Wednesday, April 06, 2005

New Errors noticed

I apologize, but as I was looking through the rules this morning, I noticed something wrong with them. I will have them finalized hopefully by tonight. Until then, please do not download the rules I have posted. Thank you.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Small Changes

I am sorry, but the edition of the Aderon RPG core rules released last night had some minor flaws. These flaws have been fixed, and the game is now available for download, completed and corrected.

I hope that online play can begin soon. Go to the main message boards to sign up.


Monday, April 04, 2005


Hello everybody,

I am pleased to announce that the Aderon Role-Playing Game is now fully operational, with the release of the complete rules document. You can download it in the downloads section. It contails all of the previous files, in addition to some new ones. Download the game now so that you can play in the online games.
